Here are two 3-d snowflakes I finished tonight. They didn't block well at all and so they look really tweaked but as these are my first attempts I will consider them good enough. I used a silver metallic thread and the other is white. I got the pattern from a snowflake kit I purchased a few years ago from Herrschners and finally had a reason to give them a try.
These are the snow flakes I made the day before yesterday for the CAL at Crochetville. I have a few more patterns for the week long cal to get thru still so there may be more postings this week although come to think of it I have a couple of races we're going to Friday and Saturday night so don't really know how many I will get done after all.
Here is the swan bookmark that Kathy over at Crochetville made a pattern for. It was a really easy pattern to follow and turned out pretty good. I think if I make a couple more they might turn out better.
Well thats about it for now hope you all like them.