Frustration must be the status of my day. Seems like no matter what today has been frustrating from start to finish. At work it was so slow up until about an hour before I was due to go home, go figure. Anyways at least there are some sales to show for the day. Got everything done and was still able to get out there by 10 after five, so wasn't to bad. Just drives me bonkers when you can be dead all day and then get a rush that'll make your head spin. Oh well that is life. Made it home and oh boy did I get a surprise, got a raok in the mail and two packages with yarn I had ordered. Woo Hoo that made coming home so much better than usual. I am strange in that I love coming home to my family even when they annoy me. I received the raok from Lori and absolutely was in heaven. She sent me two sets of beaded stitch markers and a book thong. It was just what I needed thank you Lori. Also got some yarn in I ordered from ebay. They are cool colors and I can't wait to start something with them. They are a thin chenille so will have to use double strands to make anything with it. Just need to figure out how I want to use them. Then I got on the computer to check out my email and I couldn't get online. Spent all evening trying to figure out what happened when it finally hit me that maybe if I unplug the modem it will reset and the world would again be in balance. After two hours of frustrating myself lo and behold the quick fix worked. Hello I am so slow today. At least I figured it out before I got on the phone for support and have them tell me to reset the darn thing. Well I finished up my granddaughters poncho, hat and flip flop sets. I am now making them purses hopefully to match. Then when they get them I will post pics. I like to see them in them to be sure I did the job right or not. Well thats about it for now. Gotta work some more on the purse so I'll close for now.