Here is a picture of the tissue tote I tested for Kathy over at Crochetville. Actually this is my second attempt as I had made one but it turned out to large. This is for my mother in law as she just loves purple.
Here is a close up of the Sapphire Enchantment Doily I tested for Kathy (Katchkan) for her Birthday Doily Series. I love the way the roses just pop against the blue.
Complete picture of the Sapphire Doily, hmmm seems my blue isn't as dark as the original made by Kathy but still looks pretty good.Smaller pic but closer up. I'm silly I know but what can I say I really like the looks of this doily.
Okey here is the first attempt at the tissue tote, it was larger than what was called for. Kinda had a loose gauge going thru out. Well being thrift minded and really liking the looks of it I made my way to my local Wal-mart and purchased some wet wipes. I thought this might be a good idea for moms out there that need to have something for their little ones. Anyways made a negative turn into a positive is always a good thing.
Wet wipes in the tote, duh like you didn't figure that out LOL
Here is the Pearl Wreath from the Birthday series, unforunately I didn't have pearls so substituted gold glass beads instead. It still turned out pretty good I'm thinking.
Close up so you can see the gold beads.
Here is the White Diamonds also from the Birthday series. As this was my birth month I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I used a size 20 thread and a metallic silver thread together. It turned out great but boy did that metallic thread cut into my finger. Although it was a joy to do it also was challanging.
Kathy took on a major project putting together this Birthday month series of Doilies and I have been so thankful that she feels my skills to test for her are enough. I learn new techniques each time I test one of her patterns and if I have a problem at all she is there to help out. Well hope this makes up for not posting much lately. Between working and a sick child last week just being able to crochet is an accomplishment in itself.