Mary's Crochet House

A place to showcase my crocheted and knitted items.

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Location: Cottage Grove, Oregon, United States

I am a wife, mom and grandma to four. Three grown kids all on their own and one 12 year old left to raise. I'm an avid crocheter and knitter. I crochet more than knit but have been knitting more and more.

Friday, March 17, 2006

I did it!  I finished my first but certainly not my last crocheted beaded Purse.  I got the pattern from Kathy (Katchkan) over at Crochetville and have been working on this for the past week and a half.  Actually the crocheting with the beads and following the graph pattern was quite easy.  Stringing the beads takes the longest time and sewing it not one of my favorite things to do so that was a challange.  But other than that I think the purse turned out great and am quite proud of myself.  I just wish I could take a picture that showed how beautiful the pattern is but till then it does the job.  Well gotta head to bed now but at least I will sleep well tonight knowing I accomplished what I set out to do.
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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Here is a beaded purse I am working on right now.  It is the Blue Moon Beaded purse that Kathy (Katchkan over at Crochetville) created.   It seems like a difficult thing to do but in actuallity is quite simple.  When I saw Kathys posting of this purse and found out that she made this with larger beads and size 10 thread I knew I had to try it.  I had purchased another purse pattern from Kathy previously and it called for size 20 thread and 13 beads and a  12 hook.  Suffice it to say I became was intimidated with all the tininess that I put it on the back burner. Having finished the one side I now know what needs done and am not so intimidated.  After I finish this purse I will be definately going back to my smaller purse and finishing that one up.  I will be posting as I go along on the progress of this purse.   
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Image hosting by PhotobucketHere is a picture of the second side I am working on now.  This is a quarter thru with 3/4 to go. 

Image hosting by PhotobucketOkey another picture of the first side.  I am hoping that the frame I ordered for this will come in by the time I finish the second side.  Kathy gave me a link to Lacis where you can find many frame types.  They are pretty reasonable.

Image hosting by PhotobucketI have to agree with Kathy that taking pictures of beaded items can be difficult.  But I think you get the general idea although in person the design is spectacular.

Well the only benefit to being sick for the last few days is that I have been able to hang out with my beads and thread and everyone leaves me alone.  That is the only problem I have found is that when your trying to string on beads and people distract you your counts can be way off which sucks.  Well hope you all enjoy and if by chance your interested in this pattern you can go to Kathys site at: and check out her patterns.   She is readily available if you have a problem.   Well thats about it for now hope you all have a great day.