Mary's Crochet House

A place to showcase my crocheted and knitted items.

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Location: Cottage Grove, Oregon, United States

I am a wife, mom and grandma to four. Three grown kids all on their own and one 12 year old left to raise. I'm an avid crocheter and knitter. I crochet more than knit but have been knitting more and more.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Image hosted by Photobucket.comHi all sorry I've haven't posted in a while.  Been busy with work and getting Brittany ready to head back to school.  She is so not wanting to go back but I sure am.  To much laziness going on around here.  Here are a  couple of pics of Britt with her new glasses.  She picked them out herself and really seems to like them.  I think she looks so cute in them.

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Image hosted by Photobucket.comHere are some pictures of  the beaded mesh bag that Kathy (katchkan) created and I tested her pattern.  It was a clear concise pattern and was a breeze to follow.  Kathy is such a creative and remarkable crocheter I felt quite priviliaged to be able to test her pattern for her.  I think the results came out fine although I would like to try it again with better quality supplies the next time around.  I used up what I had in my stash and now know that with better quality supplies I will have another spectacular purse.

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