I ordered these hooks from Jimbo over at Crochetville and received them Friday. They are an N hook and a thread hook number 7. Jimbo whittles these from branches of trees from his family homestead. They are so awesome as he configures the hooks with your grip style in mind. These feel so good in your hands, and the pouches he sent them in are an added bonus.

This is Nikita relaxing on her new rug that I made using the N hook and 3 strands of yarn. I had made her a rug before but it ended up being to small her.

Completed rug minus the dog. I was stash busting also so you can see where I ended with one color and started another. I don't think my dog can tell the difference.

Here is the working on the rug with my hook.

This is the filet doily I am working on for Kathy (katchkan) over at Crochetville. This is the Topaz Temptations that Kathy created for her Birthday Series of Doilies. As soon as I got my seven hook from Jimbo I had to start this doily. It seems to be working out pretty good.

Close up of my Jimbo hooks.
Well thats it for now.

This is Nikita relaxing on her new rug that I made using the N hook and 3 strands of yarn. I had made her a rug before but it ended up being to small her.

Completed rug minus the dog. I was stash busting also so you can see where I ended with one color and started another. I don't think my dog can tell the difference.

Here is the working on the rug with my hook.

This is the filet doily I am working on for Kathy (katchkan) over at Crochetville. This is the Topaz Temptations that Kathy created for her Birthday Series of Doilies. As soon as I got my seven hook from Jimbo I had to start this doily. It seems to be working out pretty good.