Mary's Crochet House

A place to showcase my crocheted and knitted items.

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Location: Cottage Grove, Oregon, United States

I am a wife, mom and grandma to four. Three grown kids all on their own and one 12 year old left to raise. I'm an avid crocheter and knitter. I crochet more than knit but have been knitting more and more.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm back finally, I get so wrapped up in my crocheting with the few hours left in the evenings that I don't post as much as I use to.  Also I guess I am pretty boring as I can't think of much to say that would be very interesting.  This is a filet wall hanging that I made for my granddaughter.  It is a fairy filet that was created by Ferosa Harold and is a free pattern you can get on her site at:  It was a really interesting piece as you are increasing and decreasing to get that scultured look.  Anyways it was fun and now one of my granddaughters have something to keep with them from me.
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Photobucket - Video and Image HostingHere is a Filet dragon that I did for Brittany,  as she was just pulled out of her sick bed to take this picture she obviously was not looking thrilled.  She does love her dragon though and has it hanging in her room.  This is also a free pattern from:  I used a size 9 steel hook and size 20 thread in black.  I really like that way it flows throughout.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThese are the flowers my kids sent me for Mothers Day.  Was a complete surprise as I was talking to my daughter online when the Fed Ex man knocked on the door with them.  They are special kids I think.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingHere is the Josephine Rose doily I tested for Kathy (Katchkan).  She makes the most amazing patterns and I have been privilaged to be able to test them for her.  Well thats about it for now, am working on another filet piece but had to put it on the back burner until I can get more thread.  This is another pattern I'm testing and it looks so good just makes me crazy when I have to wait to finish due to lack of thread.  Will show it when I get it completed.