Today was a wonderful day, I received a yarn winder today in the mail. It was such a surprise and a wonderful toy.. Unforunately as you can tell by these pics I haven't been able to use it due to my daughter having fun with it. Well at least I got out the tub of yarn and she is a winding fool. She is also rocking out with her head phones on. Who would of thought a kid would do that for her mom, must be the yarn winder must be a blast to do but I couldn't tell ya........(This is Mary's dd typing and it IS fun if you don't have one then you should get one, there soooo much fun and it helps you with your crocheting stuff! In this picture of me I'm listening to Gretchen Wilson) Also got the primrose plant from our Service manager at work for all the help the office people do to make their job easier.. Now isn't that the greatest! Then as if that wasn't enough today my co-worker walked in with the small flower she picked off her bush in her yard. It has the most fragrant aroma and such a pretty flower, I just love it.
Then when I got home I checked my email and received a raok of Adegio Teas from my Fairy Godmother. Oh decisions, decisions whatever shall I get. (I'm thinking about getting some flavored tea, but I don't know for sure yet.) So as you can tell by my day it has been good. Hope it continues on.